Monday, November 3, 2008


In 1888 Englands East End was shocked by a series of murders by a deranged serial killer named by the media as JACK THE RIPPER. There has been a lot of conjecture in the past 120 years about about the true identity of JTR with nobody having a outright point of view that links a suspect indefinately to the murders. In this report it will be my mission to blend a serious of facts and theories in order for you to believe in my point of view that JTR was indeed a man called....


The history surrounding FT's early years is quite sketchy with not many facts surrounding them. His birthplace has been much debated with Evans and Gaineys edition of Jack the Ripper first American serial killer saying that he was born in Canada while Jack the Ripper A-Z states that he was in actual fact born in Ireland, either way his family moved to New York sometime with in the next decade. neighbours and acquaintances labled him as 'a dirty, awkward, ignorant, uncared for, good for nothing boy... utterly devoid of education.', he also alledgedly sold pornographic literature on the canal boats in Rochester.

At around the age of 25-30 Tumblety moved from Rochester to Detroit where here he started his own medical practice as a herb doctor which must have been quite succesful for him as after that he always seemed to be within considerable wealth.

He later appeared in Montreal in 1857 where he continued with his profession as a prominent physician, unfortunately he was arrested for the attempted abortion of a prostitute called Philomene Dumas, it was said that he sold her a bottle of pills and liquid for the abortion but after legal disputes he was released on October 1. A verdict of not guilty was reached on October 24th and so there was no trial.

In his return to St. Louis he was suspected of being involved in the assasination of the president of the united states Abraham Lincoln, his suspicion was greatly based upon his bad choice of aliases such as J.H. Blackburn or Dr. L.P. Blackburn. He was also caught up in another conspiracy to send blankets infected with yellow fever to the north but he was later exonerated.

Francis Tumblety returned to Liverpool in the June of 1888 and was again in trouble with the Authorites, He was arrested and taken into custody on November 7th 1888 on charges of indecency and indecent assault with force against four men between July 27th and November 2nd.



Mary Anne Nichols was the wife of a printer called Willaim Nichols until her alcoholism and his lack of faithfulness led to the relationship breakdown. In the end Mary's drinking problem led to her becoming a prostitute which eventually led to her brutal death. her death was so horrendous

that her head was almost completely severed from her body.


Annie Chapman was a large 45 year old woman who was apparently quite a nice woman and never did much wrong according to her neighbours.


Elizabeth Stride was known to people close to her as 'Long Liz' and had lived in the house at 32 Flower and Dean st. for six years. She died at the hands of JTR being one of the few victims to have a witness se her just before she died. A man called Israel Schwartz claimed to have seen a man harrasingher but put it down to domestic abuse and just kept on walking on.


After being released from the jailhouse she was reportedly last seen at around1:30 walking the street with a man. The constable on patrol found her dead body around fifteen minutes after she was last sighted.


Mary kelley was the only one of all of the JTR murders that worked as a prostitute full time and was also much younger than the other victims. Her dead body was found by her landlord who was asking for her rent.

....... Okay now that you know who the victims were i would like to show you some points as to why I suspect FRANCIS TUMBLETY to be JTR.

-Tumblety fits many of the requirements of a serial killer for example he had a hatred of most women and prostitutes.

-Tumblety was in London at the time.

-He had some medical knowledge mainly because of all the so called experiments he used to perform.

-one of the main people behind the the case Chief inspector Littlechild labeled him as a very likely suspect.

-One of the three detectives inspectors assigned to the case was sent to New York at the same time perhaps to pursue Tumblety.

- and perhaps one of the most condeming pieces of evidence is that the murders mysteriously stopped after he fled from London on 24th November.

Well i hope that i have satisfactorily sustained enough facts and figures in your mind to believe in my theory that Francis Tumblety was indeed JACK THE RIPPER.

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